VOICE is about holding space together
It is sharing a listening
A dance you can watch eyes closed
Sound as dancing images

VOICE invites us to share the space with the performers and to listen to the soundscape they create with their voices. A space where the sight informs the hearing and the hearing informs the sight, a proposition to listen to the dance as much as looking at it. The performers are being danced by their voices in a relentless motion that we are invited to perceive, letting the obscurity and light lead us into a sensorial journey.


Concept and choreography: Loïc Perela
Performers: Laurent Delom de Mézerac, Dominik Feistmantl, Fabian Holle, Lisa Kasman, Paulina Vogel.
Light designer: Ricarda Köneke
Sound engineering: Rolph Schwarz and Rob Duyser
Dramaturgical advice and mentoring: in conversation with Matthias Quabbe and Anne Kersting
Vocal advising: Thomas Johannsen and Gunnar Brandt
Creative producer: Agnese Rosati
Production: VOICE is a production by Colab.Loic Perela, in coproduction with K3 | Tanzplan Hamburg and Dansateliers Rotterdam. Funded by Fonds Podiumskunsten, Gemeente Rotterdam, Het Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.