How does our body play a role in how we experience the world around us? This is the core question of HASHTAG. Through it, Loïc explores the boundaries between watching, engaging and losing yourself in something. He intertwines virtual images and daily reality  and plays with our perception of distance: between human and digital display, performer and audience, mind and body.

 With the concept for HASHTAG Loïc Perela won the prize of the Dutch Dance Festival in 2015.

“With HASHTAG Loïc Perela celebrates and honours the strength and vulnerability of the body and invites the audience to experience this themselves.” The jury of the Dutch Dance Festival


Choreography and concept: Loïc Perela
Performers: Johannes Lind, Bilal Bachir en Maaike Van de Westeringh
Sound designer: Miguelàngel Clerc.
Light designer: Edwin van Steenbergen
Technic: Edwin van Steenbergen, Maarten van Dorp
Dramaturgy: Merel Heering.
Artistic advice: Kristin de Groot
Photography: Charlotte Brand.
Trailer: Paul Sixta
Creative producer: Christina Giannelia.
Production: Dansateliers, in co-productie met De Nederlandse Dansdagen.
With the support of: CDC La Briqueterie Parijs, CSD Bassano del Grappa, The Abron Art Center NY en ZigZagCity Rotterdam.
Made possible by: Gemeente Rotterdam, Fonds Podiumkunsten (Nieuwe Makersregeling), Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie en Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds / Fonds Dance Works Rotterdam.

Thanks to: Keez Duyves, Dirk Sonneveld